Account registration

Thanks a lot for registering with Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.

Here are some pieces of information I would like to share with you.

When you register, you can access all the resources and contents of the website and the forum for free. You can also comment on my articles on the blog.

Please read the information below carefully:

The website's FORUM (in French)  (that you can access through the horizontal menu with the ENGLISH FORUM tab) is contained within this website, but you need to sign in independently from the website. This is a new forum that was created as a standalone, in order to improve the ergonomics, and to ensure that the forum is more user-friendly.

If you want to comment on this forum, participate, share your analysis, or ask any questions then you will need to do the following:

1) Sign UP on the forum as a member (you can use the same login and password that you used for signing up on the website)

2) It is MANDATORY that you introduce yourself briefly in the MEMBER PRESENTATION section. If you want to comment in the forum then this is MANDATORY. If you want to get the most out of the website and the forum, I suggest you watch this video - "How to use the website and the forum".

3) Don't forget to also sign up for the newsletter. You will receive exclusive contents, miscellaneous info, and most importantly the dates of the LIVE MARKET REVIEWS (Only in French)

If you wish to learn the Ichimoku technique, please click on the link below:


Kind Regards

Cypressat (Patrick)

My profile
Choose a username, using letters and numbers only - must be more than 4 characters
Your password must contain between 8 and 48 characters (no spaces, or the symbols: &, <, >, ', \") and at least 3 of the next 4 types: lower case, upper case, special characters and numbers.